“You Can’t Sell Sameness, Part 2”

You Still Can’t Sell Sameness

This is a quick update to my previous blog post about the importance of differentiation in our marketing efforts. There are many things that all international schools have in common. For instance, SSIS offers the IB Diploma program—which is a great thing. Our closest competitors in the area offer the same program. So while this is something that prospective parents/families put a high value on, it’s not necessarily what makes us stand out from the crowd. But when you mention that we offer both IB and AP, ears perk up. (more…)

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Affordable, Professional Time-Lapse Photography

What Is It?

toronto-time-lapseTime-lapse photography is effectively the opposite of slow-motion filmmaking. By shooting multiple frames of a scene at intervals and then stitching them together into a film/video, the final product presents the passage of time in a unique, artistic way. It’s not a new process – the first time-lapses were done in the 19th Century. And it’s not a fad — with advances in digital photography, digital processing, and digital video, new creative styles are possible and the process has simply gained renewed popularity. To see the work of a great, contemporary time-lapse filmmakers, I encourage you to check out Tom Lowe and the stunning 4K film he produced, “TimeScapes”. (more…)

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